Instagram uvodi nove bezbednosne mere koje će sprečiti onlajn maltretiranje korisnika, a nama se čini da je glavna inspiracija za ovu veliku promenu niko drugi do Selena Gomez. Naime Selena je nedavno rekla da više nema Instagram na svom telefonu i vodeći čovek kompanije Adam Mosseri  je tada istakao da bi voleo da im Selena ukaže kako IG može da se popravi.

Tako je Instagram na svom profilu objavio poduže obaveštenje za sve korisnite i merama koje uvidi.

Prva od ovih mera je Restrict, koja omogućava korisniku da izbegne komunikaciju sa potencijalnim onlajn siledžijom, tako što dotični neće znati kada je korisnik onlajn i šta radi.

Druga mera je Comment Warning, koja omogućava korisnicima da razmisle o tome da li im taj komentar smeta ili ne i da li je potencijalno štetan po korisnika ili ne.


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From the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri (@mosseri): “We know bullying is a challenge many face, particularly young people. We are committed to leading the industry in the fight against online bullying, and we are rethinking the whole experience of Instagram to meet that commitment. We can do more to prevent bullying from happening on Instagram, and we can do more to empower the targets of bullying to stand up for themselves. Today we’re announcing one new feature in both areas. ? Encouraging Positive Interactions In the last few days, we started rolling out a new feature powered by AI that notifies people when their comment may be considered offensive before it’s posted. This intervention gives people a chance to reflect and undo their comment and prevents the recipient from receiving the harmful comment notification. ? Protecting Your Account From Unwanted Interactions With Restrict We wanted to create a feature that allows people to control their Instagram experience, without notifying someone who may be targeting them. Soon, we will begin testing a new way to protect your account from unwanted interactions called Restrict. ? It’s our responsibility to create a safe environment on Instagram. This has been an important priority for us for some time, and we are continuing to invest in better understanding and tackling this problem.” ? To learn more about these new updates, click the link in our bio. Artwork by @heysp

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Mi apsolutno podržavamo borbu protiv govora mržnje, uvredljivih komenatara koji mogu imati tragične posledice jer ne nosimo se svi na isti način sa uvredama. Kada vidimo na našem profilu vređanje, upozorimo onoga ko je to napisao, a ako se ne smiri sledeća opcija je blokiranje jer nam negativni ljudi koji šire zlobu ne trebaju. I zapravo ne trebaju nikome od vas i zato pozdravljamo odluku Instagrama da uvede nove bezbednosne mere koje će sprečiti onlajn maltretiranje korisnika!!!

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