Pronalazak savršenog teksta za post na Instagramu ponekad može biti previše težak i isprpljujući. Srećom nemaš razloga za brigu jer ti Jojo Siwa čuva leđa!
Super vesela pevačica ima toliko sjajnih pesama i tekstova koji se izdvajaju! Od pesme „Boomerang,“, do numere“D.R.E.A.M.“ i mnogih drugih, JoJo ima savršen stih za svako raspoloženje. Koji ćete citat pesme koristiti za sledeći post? Nastavite da čitate tekst da biste uhvatili savršenu Insta inspiraciju!
1. “Catch me if you can”
2. “I just wanna dance”
3. “Turn the music up louder”
4. “We always dressin’ up, it’s better with some glitter on it”
5. “We’ll always be on a roll”
6. “I’ll follow your lead if you follow mine”
7. “Nothings ever perfect that’s part of all the fun”
8. “We do it better when we’re together”
9. “Look out, we’re coming your way”
10. “I wanna make these good times last”
11.”I keep a lot of friends ‘cuz I’m loyal”
12. “They got nothing on us”
13.”Let’s dance like it’s nobody’s business”
14. “Every girl’s a super girl”
15. “Won’t let the haters get their way. I’mma come back like a boomerang”
16. “But I’mma climb it to the top”
17. “I wake up saying every day’s another chance to rock it”
Can’t Stop Me
18. “Bigger, better, faster, stronger”
19. “Gonna live the dream”
20. “I’m livin’ that life, that’s what I do”
21. “But I keep slayin’, slayin’”
22. “I’m never givin’ up”
23. “Something’s going to happen and I think it’s really big”
Foto: Nickelodeon
[…] bila specifična i drugačija od ostalih, što je i te kako uticalo na to da ona postane svetska megazvezda i idol mnoge dece širom sveta. Ipak, iako je sve to veoma lepo, slava sa sobom nosi i neke ne tako lepe stvari -vređanje, ružne […]