Jorge Blanco in an interview with Superteen: About my new song
Jorge Blanco is an actor and singer from Mexico, who gained fame with the help of the Disney series „Violetta“ in which he played the main male role, the role of Leon Vargas. After the same series, the greatest fame was gained by Tini Stoessel, which was expected, although nothing less was expected for Jorge either. Although he has not yet managed to reach the fame that Tini has and goes on a big world tour, we are sure that Jorgito has that in plans for the future (but we can’t plan anything right now, due to the epidemiological situation), and until then he will be able to work on publishing and the promotion of his new music, and try to „break through“ a little better among the audience. His latest music release is called „Antidoto“ and talks about the antidote that can be the person you love, and it is a duet with the newly-born singer Anna Chase, with whom we almost did an interview that you can read here. Our first interview with Jorge was quite long and extensive, but in this interview, Superteen asked only a few questions to this musician about his new collaboration!

Hello Jorge, it’s a pleasure that we’re talking to you again. How did you decide to collaborate?

I got the invitation to collaborate on the song and I immediately said yes because I love working with friends like Anna, and also love working with Jakke the producer. Not only that, but I loved the message and vibe of the song.

Why did the choice fall on song Antídoto?

– Anna had chosen the song before I came on to collaborate. I’m thankful to be able to tell this story with her.

How was your collaboration? What do you like about each other in a professional sense?

– It was great. I’m very serious about my work and it’s always very rewarding to collaborate with someone that genuinely cares and puts everything they have into their work like Anna.

Can we expect any more collaborations with Anna?

– I’d love to work with her again.

What are your plans for the future of your career?

Definitely a lot more music to come! I also have some exciting news about my acting career which I’m very excited to share with everyone soon.
As we have praised Anna, we will not praise Jorge any less! The fact that Jorge agreed to answer the questions of you and us for the second time means that we really mean something to him, which is very important for us, especially when we take into account that we are a media from Serbia! We enjoyed this short interview, and we believe that you also enjoyed reading the answers that Jorgito gave in the interview.



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Author: Arijana Đokić

Photo: Instagram