Kao i većina zvezda, tako i Camila Cabello ima ogroman uticaj na svoj fandom i ljude koji je prate, te se veliki broj dece i tinejdžera ugleda na nju i radi sve što ona kaže i misli da je dobro. Kako je to velika odgovornost, Camila se trudi da što više motiviše svoj fandom, a izgleda kako joj to ide dobro!

”Svako od nas je potreban ovom svetu. Svet treba tebe, upravo tebe. Treba nam tvoje svetlo, ti si poseban i unikatan. Pored toga, trebaju nam tvoje nesavršenosti koje su savršene i autentične, koje čine tebe. Svako može biti savršen, ali ste posebni kada ste prirodni i NEsavršeni”-započinje Cam.



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Every single of one of us is needed in this world. You reading this.. we need you. We need your unique light, your imperfect but authentic way of shining, your story, your struggles, your insecurities, your mountains that you climbed, the ones you’re climbing, and the ones you think you’re not ready to climb, your messiness, your best shot, your rawness, your YOUNESS. We don’t need you when you’re perfect, we need you NOW. As you are. It is a miracle to be born at this moment in time, to be on this strange, miraculous planet with all the questions that we just can’t answer about why we are here – you, as you are, have something to contribute to this planet, so that maybe it (or your household, your neighborhood, or your classroom) can be just a little bit better because you are here. Don’t play small. It doesn’t serve you, and you can probably feel that. But also… it doesn’t serve.. anybody. Don’t deprive this world of your story, of your YOU-NESS. Give us your gifts, give us your light, take up space, take your power back. The world needs you to be YOU.

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“Svako mesto na kojem se pojaviš (učionica, soba, bilo gde) bude bolje jer si ti tu. I zapamti to. Svet treba tebe da budeš ono što jesi, a ne da budeš savršen”-završava magično Camila. Ovo je poduži opis kratkog videa koji je postavila na svoj profil, gde je vidimo kako se smeška i uživa u prirodi.

Mi nemamo ništa da dodamo-sve potrebno rekla je Camila divnim rečima, a mi joj se apsolutno divimo na tome. Da li je i vas motivisala kao što je motivisala nas?


Autor: Arijana Đokić

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