Ariana Grande će se nakratko vratiti glumi u Jim Carreyevoj seriji „Kidding“. Serija se bavi životom gospodina Picklesa, koji je tokom dana voditelj dečje emisije i koji nastoji da nekako izbalansira svoj nerealni posao sa porodičnim životom.

Jim Carrey je potvrdio Arianino gostovanje u drugoj sezoni popularne američke seriji tokom TV gostovanja i rekao je da je Ari sjajna i stidljiva te da ju je bilo sramota da peva sa njim na snimanju.

Pre no što se okrenula muzici, Grandeova je glumila u serijama za decu „Victorious“ i „Sam & Cat“, ali i tinejdž hitu „Scream Queens“.


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there aren’t words. ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️i’ve been staring at my screen and no words do this moment justice. thankful for the most special experience of my life. nothing is crazier than getting to work with and spend time with someone whom you’ve idolized and adored since before you could speak. actually, what’s even crazier is discovering that person to be more special and warm and generous in person than you ever could’ve imagined. i get to make a tiny appearance on the hilarious and deeply moving show Kidding next season. this was a DREAM of an experience. thank you thank you thank you Jim and thank you Dave for having me. i have so much more to say but words actually can’t …. cover it.

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